Sunday, June 14, 2009

it's been a long time....

I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted. My ancient computer got a virus that has, I think, permanently damaged it. It is slower than Christmas and I'm so frustrated with it I have not even blogged. I feel like in order to document the happenings from the summer so far, I need to be in a small cafe somewhere with the whole day free to write and drink as many iced white chocolate snicker lattes' that I can handle (and if they could be completely void of calories too...even better). But, alas, I do not have ANY of those things so when life slows down the same time my computer speeds up, I'll write!

Speaking of slowing down, I read a verse last night I'd like to share. I have been going through my One Year Bible since May. I have started this Bible many time beginning in January and I always give up around Ma. So this year, I began in May and am reading things that are so fresh to me. I love reading the Old Testament chapter by chapter it really helps me wrap my mind around the events of that time. Well, in this Bible you also read through the Psalms twice. I was reading Psalm 131:1-3 last night and the Holy Spirit stopped me at this verse and I am making it my prayer:

"...I do not concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me."

I love how David recognized who God is and where He is. I fail to do that so many times while I am reading my Bible and flippantly praying while going about my day as if it is mine to have and to own. I sin and quickly ask forgiveness without stopping to realize who I am talking to and the weight of what I am doing. I speak of Him in conversations with others without investing the time to really know Him in my own life. I want to be still and quiet before the Most Holy God and put myself in my place before Him. My prayer this week is that I would be stilled and quieted before God, humbly recognizing who I am and, most importantly, exalting God above myself and this world.

My you also still and quiet yourself before the Lord this week, my prayer is that He will meet you in that place and speak a fresh word to you.

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