Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm sitting here at 9:46PM in my living room with some friends, just talking.  I am suddenly remembering these coke commercials I used to watch when I was a kid where these people would take a drink of this ice cold coke, you know, the one's in the real glass with ice and the visible bubbles fizzing in the air? These people would take a drink and when they were done they would say, "AHHH".   That is what I feel like right now in my spirit (is that spirit or Sprite, I have always had a hard time with those two words).  I have been going 90 to nothin' for weeks/ about a month and tonight is the FIRST night I have gotten home after school, when it's still daylight, and I have stayed here.  All night.  It is absolutely wonderful!  It's refreshing beyond belief.   I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow morning.  I am thinking about giving Oliver a puppy benadryl so I can sleep past 5...I've already cut him off from water.  Okay, we're still goin' strong, I am inwardly too old for this hanging out late but outwardly, I'm keeping it together! HA!

by the way, I don't really give Oliver sleeping meds!

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