Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Everybody - Pip's Poppin Party Practice from cassie black on Vimeo.

This is our lil band working on some stuff for this weekend.  My friend Pip is going to be an intern with the Daraja Children's Choir in the fall.  In May she will be traveling to Kenya to meet all the children and their families.  She has to raise $5000 in order to be fully funded.  SOOOO...we're thowing a Poppin' Party on Saturday night at the same coffee shop where citychurch meets.  There will be an art auction, karaoke, desserts, coffee, and our band is playing!  I'm really excited, it's going to be a great night and I'm praying, praying, praying that God pours generosity into people and they pour it out on Pip.  I am also praying that people will be stirred and changed by what God is doing around the globe! 

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