Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have been resistant to blogging myself, but I LOVE to read others. I love to read other blogs so much, in fact, I want to be a "follower" of a few. So, in order to do that I must have a blog. So, I may not write much on here but you should read the one's I follow!
That makes the think that I should live my life in that way, confusing? Go with me here. I am called to live my life in a way that points to Jesus. If I am truly following Him, it's not about how I lead my life so much as who my life points to. So, just like my blog, you should check out Who I'm following. I am not interesting, quippy, or funny really, but anything that is good in me come directly from Him! He is worth following, worshiping, adoring, and loving!

Have a restful Sunday!

1 comment:

Pip said...

It was you!! I found the culprit!