Monday, September 28, 2009

mama said there'd be days like this

I had my very first “mommy” moment yesterday.  Oliver, my sweet puppy, was very sick when I got home from citychurch. He had thrown up in his crate an unbelievable amount, it was really gross.  I thought it was just a one-time thing so I gave him a bath.  Then he began to throw up every 5 to 10 minutes.  Seriously, it was scary. I know he is a dog and I shouldn’t be like that but first, I’ve never had a dog and second, he’s my ollie-bear! So an hour into the whole ordeal and I called the vet.  He said to come in at 6 if he was still doing it. Well, he was so I took him in, they gave him a shot some meds and also found that he had an eye infection.  I was not so pleased with my whole experience there.  I am guessing the lady at the counter was pretty irritated about having to be there on a Sunday so she took it out on all of us…blah. Then Oliver threw up in the office and I had to clean it up, so gross.  THEN to top it all off it was $155!!! I really felt like saying, “are you kidding me?” but I didn’t.  So that was it, he’s been fine ever since, just super loving, which is fine by me! 

If you’re wondering how citychurch is going I’ll tell you: it’s AWESOME!!  We are meeting at the convo next week and I am so ready for that. It’s a smaller venue (about 200 seats) and I think it will be more “us”. I am also excited about getting to meet more peope. I can’t wait to see people come to know the Lord, I am so ready for that day. If you read this, please pray for our church, may God love the people of Jonesboro THROUGH us!

Question time. I need something to eat for lunch.  Tonight I bought some soup but that will get old really fast. I need something I can just bring and will be good. Got any ideas?  Please share!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice are good! That is what I took to work to eat (Jeff eats one almost everyday)...they are super fast and most of them are yummy! You can also go the pb&j route! ;)