I'm back! It's been a LONG journey of computer issues and I am currently typing on my computer that I will have for the next 50 years. I love the MacBook Pro, but I could have purchased 3 Oliver's (my yorkie) for the price of this one laptop. I thought about going back and recapping my entire Summer but I just can't. I am not very good at remembering things and presenting them in the way that would capture other's attention and also, I am living in the now and want to share some things about now.
So, school is going on and I am loving it so much more now. I think it is becuase I am now teaching in the mornings. Before (the past 1 &1/2 years) I taught starting after lunch till the end of the day. One might think that is great but to be at school at 7:45 and not have your kids in your room until after lunch is torture. I actually feel like I get SO much done this year and I honestly just feel like a better teacher all around. I teach middle school (4-6 grade) music. To be honest, it's not my dream job. I never wanted to be a teacher but God led me here and I fell in love with Jr. High during my internship. Then I got this job 3 days before I graduated from college and I'm teaching "kids" now. At first I really didn't like it but this year I am really taking pride in my students and what they are learning. I somehow feel that God is really teaching through me. I am so thankful for my teacher friends, those who I actually teach "with" and those just in the teaching community. Two of my friends who teach in my hall are Carol and Marinda. Marinda is 10 years older than me and Carol is 20 years older than me but God has ordained our relationship! They are my mentors, my "gripe session listeners", and my encouragers. We meet in my classroom every morning at 7:30 to pray for the ladies on our hall and for anything and everything else in our lives. It has been so refreshing to begin the day physically with others in prayer. It's amazing how much I want to be at school in the mornings to pray with them, even when it's so hard to get out of bed. If you are a praying person, I encourage you to find someone else who prays and pray together. "Two are better than one", it's true!
I've not ever posted pictures on here, mainly bc my camera was stolen at school but I have taken a few of my precious pup, Oliver, with my computer. So, here he is!

This is one of his favorite spots, here he is all cuddled up.

And here's where he is REALLY sleeping, all sprawled out!
Isn't he precious? Seriously, I never believed that a person could really love a dog...and here I am, loving my little Ollie-bear! Oh, and by the way, I have now had my camera, my ipod, and my jump drive stolen from school. My ipod and jump drive stolen in the past 3 weeks by the cleaning crew. I had a TON of North Point and Elevation Church podcasts on there, I really hope they listen and my little ipod is used to bring the Gospel of Jesus into the lives of people.

Alright, one more thing. CITYCHURCH HAS LAUNCHED!!! I can't beleive we are actually going to be meeting again this Sunday! We have been praying for over a year about God starting a church through us for the city of Jonesboro, Arkansas and we really launched last week. I am so excited about the things the Lord is doing and is going to do through citychurch. If you want to check us out go to, www.citychurchjonesboro.com. More to come!

This picture is the front of our invite cards, Alicia and Pip got permission to write this on the steps of a local business. Wouldn't it be cool if God used these steps to speak to someone? I bed He did...that would be just like Him!
Have a FABULOUS friday!
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